SRF was established as a grass-root research consultancy in 2010 and later incorporated as a licensed CRO company in Uganda in 2019 after 9 years of piloting its model of operation. SRF was established as an intervention that is aimed at promoting research excellence in Africa particularly in areas that are related to health.  This health-focus was based on the recognition of health as a major human right and a major cause of human crises and impoverishment in Africa.

SRF is a strategic partner of African Biomedical Engineering Consortium (ABEC) since 2017 and currently hosts the head office of ABEC, which is the administrative address of ABEC in Uganda. Utilizing its research expertise and infrastructure, has been pivotal in monitoring the impacts of ABEC on BME education in Africa and has supported evidence-based decision making. SRF conducted the first ABEC evaluation and took lead in publishing the key outcomes of this exercise. SRF also took lead in the both the mid-term and Endline evaluation of the African Biomedical Engineering Mobility (ABEM) Program which aimed at Building Biomedical Engineering expertise to improve healthcare in Africa. This program was funded by the Intra-Africa Academic Mobility Scheme of the European Union. This evaluation has enabled the project to produce 6 publications which are still at drafting level under the leadership of SRF’s experts.

Publications associated with SRF and ABEC partnership towards promotion of BME Education.