Services Per Stage Of Research Process

Resource Mobilization

Resource Mobilization Services
Identify potential grants and funders, collaborate on grant writing, and administer grant activities to secure resources for your research endeavors.

Project Conceptualization And Designing

Receive guidance on research careers and niches, generate research ideas, develop and review proposals, create data collection tools, and design informed consent forms. Translation services for study materials are also available.

Regulatory Services

Develop regulatory documents such as trial brochures and CTAs, conduct research site assessments, submit necessary documents to regulatory bodies, and provide training on Good Clinical Practice and Responsible Conduct of Research.


Coordinate research activities, set up and train research teams, handle data collection, design and validate databases, manage data entry, verification, and cleaning. Guidance is provided for both quantitative and qualitative data analysis.

Scientific Writing

Writing and Communication Support
Receive guidance on report and thesis writing, engage in pre-defense or mock defense sessions, get support for manuscript and policy brief writing, report writing, language editing, and creation of infographics.


Research Dissemination Services
Services include manuscript writing and guidance, policy brief creation, organization of conferences and workshops, design and development of dissemination materials (Power-Point, brochures, posters, etc.), and mock presentations/pre-defense guidance.

Other Services

Additional Support Services
Beyond the research stages, access printing and photocopying services for various research-related needs.
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